Introduction to Daily Life
This work is based on seven small ornamental figurines varying from 1.5 cm to 9 cm in height and made of various materials such as glass, bronze, wool, wood and plastic. While such figurines are generally underpinned by a personal story, in this case both their provenance and the reason for collecting them are unknown.
Each of the figures served as a model for a drawing in a quarter-sheet format. In the drawings, the original sizes are levelled out to 40 cm, creating the effect of an enlargement that changes their characteristics. For the assembly of the work, each drawing was placed in a 10 cm large cubic acrylic box together with the corresponding miniature figure. The uniformity of the acrylic boxes emphasises the difference in the size of the figures/models they contain, while their drawn image suggests a radical difference in scale between them. The intimate gesture of drawing
aims to illustrate how we appropriate certain objects, while the enlargement represents the importance we attribute to them, according to the idea that the size can change their meaning.