Out of Frame
Artwork: A journey Through the World Population
Collaboration with the gallery Studio la Città and the Office Dario Pegoretti.
Hand-painted bicycle frame
A journey through the world population (on space, body, and identity) Collaboration between Dario Pegoretti and Studio la Città
Last year, in the context of my participation in the exhibition "La Musée" at Studio la Città, I was invited to visit the "Dario Pegoretti" studio. At that time, we talked about the artwork of the exhibition; a series of five sculptures made with textiles from each continent, and which in their size represented world migration statistics. They showed me the studio and explained their methodologies, and at that moment the interest of making a collaboration arose.
The idea was to do a similar exercise, but this time the data visualization would be about the world population, taking statistics from the UN DESA (United Nations population division department of economic and social affairs). Nevertheless, instead of weaving the different fabrics, the most representative patterns and colours were taken, to be painted on one of the frames of the bicycles of Dario Pegoretti. In this way the larger circular shapes represent the larger number of inhabitants, while the smaller one the smaller number, as in a pie chart.
The relationship between these circular forms and the bicycles lies in the movements that human beings make on the everyday life, tracing paths while moving, inhabiting, and appropriating spaces while exploring them.
Beyond the Frame with Muriel Gallardo Weinstein
Video part of the exhibition "Out of Frame", collaboration between Studio la Città Gallery and the office Dario Pegoretti.
Video courtesy Studio la Città.
Exhibition view of the Exhibition “Out of Frame”
Pictures: Michele Alberto Sereni
Courtesy Studio la Città.
Artwork: A journey Through the World Population
Collaboration with the Gallery Studio la Città and the Office Dario Pegoretti.
Hand-painted bicycle frame
Installation view “A journey Through the World Population “ and “A Infographics of the World Migration”
Hand-painted bicycle manufactured by Dario Pegoretti’s Office and installation of five Textile sculptures